Smash Bros U New Features Announced


As you may already know from my earlier article ( I’m a massive Smash Bros fan so this is BIG news for me, and hopefully some of you out there too. 

This video shows us some of the core components of the new Smash Bros game for both Wii U and 3DS, and I have to say, they have gone all out on this one. New levels, new items, new Pokemon and character trophies. They announced changes in certain characters move sets and they also showed off some new characters too. 

Im also really excited about the new online features. Instead of limiting you to a 2 minute free for all, they’ve added matches with customs rules, online just for fun or in it for glory modes and a clever yet simple ranking system. Even the 3DS will support online features. 

All in all, I like the look of everything so far, maybe a bit fearful of what moves they may have changed but also kinda excited for it. What do you guys think? Dislike some of the changes? Wanna see more new characters? Watch the video and give us a comment below, or join the discussion on our forum.

Oh and don’t miss the bonus clip at the end of the video

Sonic the Hedgehog: the memories of a blue blur.



 I’ve always had a tendency to attach myself to series of things. I’ve never felt like one instalment was ever enough, if you’re going to enjoy something you may as well make it enough to run a religion off of. Of all the series I love; Dragon Ball, Metal Gear Solid, Gundam, Pokemon, Prince of Persia Sand Quadtrilogy, Crash Bandicoot, Tekken… there’s one that topples all others. He’s blue. I think you already know who it is. Of course I’m talking about the one and only Sonic the Hedgehog.

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