0.9.0 Update! Everything You Need To Know – Minecraft Pocket Edition


So it’s been a while since we spoke about Minecraft Pocket edition but word on the grape vine is all those lovely little elves

at Mojang have been working hard to get the 0.9.0 update ready.

There is no set release date yet but it’s looking like some point in April

Below are all the features that are set to come – 

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Set In Stone Gaming Android app nearly completed

So its taken a while and a few attempt but we now have a fully functional Android app!!

Check out the images bellow to see how it will look we are also looking for a few Beta testers to try it out and give

us their feedback if you are interested in doing this send us a message on Facebook link is below.


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South Park: Stick of Truth Review

South Park: Stick of Truth

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South Park is a series that needs no introduction, excluding the previous remark that serves as an introduction to state that the series needs no introduction. South Park: The Stick of Truth is a role-playing game set in the South Park universe, written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Continue reading

The Last Guardian is still in development

The Last Guardian, Fumito Ueda’s long awaited follow up to the award-winning Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, still doesn’t have a release date BUT it’s still in active development. That’s the latest word on the near-mythical project from publisher SONY.

In an interview with IGN, Scott Rohde, SONY’s boss of global software product development, explained that while he couldn’t offer any new details, fans will get to see the game eventually. “I’m not going to announce what platform it’s coming on, who’s working on it, who’s involved,” he said. “But that is still a title that’s absolutely in the mix at Worldwide Studios. That’s the most you’re gonna get.” Continue reading